About ASDP

Agriculture Sector Development Programme II (ASDP TWO)

The government of Tanzania has finalized the formulation of Agriculture Sector Development Programme II (ASDP II). This is a ten-years programme that will be implemented in two (2) phases each divided into five-year implementation period. The First Phase will start in 2017/2018 – 2022/2023. The program is a follow up to the ASDP I implemented from 2006/2007 to 2013/2014. ASDP II has been designed based on the lessons learnt during the ASDP I implementation.

The program aims at transforming the agricultural sector (crops, livestock & fisheries) towards higher productivity, commercialization level and smallholder farmer income for improved livelihood, food and nutrition security and contribution to the GDP. The program strategy is to transform gradually subsistence smallholders into sustainable commercial farmers by enhancing and activating sector drivers and supporting smallholder farmers to increase productivity of target commodities within sustainable production systems and forge sustainable market linkages for competitive surplus commercialization and value chain development.

Preparation of the program has gone through a comprehensive consultative and stakeholder engagement at all levels. This programme is a result of the views, comments and wishes of the various stakeholders including private sector, development partners, farmer organizations and non-governmental organizations and the public sector.

The programme is presented in eight sections:

  1. the background;
  2. sector programmes, projects and public expenditure;
  3. ASDP II design process and principles;
  4. program objectives and description;
  5. program costs, financing and financial management;
  6. institutional and implementation arrangements;
  7. benefits and economic and financial analysis (EFA) and
  8. Implementation Modalities and Risks.
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