Market research ( Horticultural crops) Place: Kilombero Market (Karatu) Date: 23-24/01/2020. TANSHEP has continued to make sure that farmers have a strong understanding of market demand based on the slogan "anzia sokoni malizia shambani kwa kipato zaidi". In doing so, TANSHEP has arranged the two days market survey at Kilombero market. TANSHEP has organized two days to conduct a market study of horticultural crops in the Kilombero (karatu) market, where by representatives from the farmers groups as well as officers of the DADP Horticulture Task Force participated in this market survey. Before starting the whole market survey activity, farmers were informed about the purpose and how to fill out the questionnaire. Mr Shiga and Mr Muyengi helped farmers to understand how to fill out questionnaires and how to approach those respondents before starting the market research in Kilombero market. After getting approval from the district authority and market leadership, a panel of farmers entered the marketplace to fill out a specific questionnaire. The representatives were divided into several groups so that the process of collecting such information could be easier. Participants First day, Representatives of four farmers groups (Mbuyuni, Migombani, Tujitegemee (all from Karatu DC) and Tupendane (from Hai DC)) as well as officers of the DADP Horticulture Task Force together they visited the market for the purpose of getting market information for horticultural products in order to get a real picture at the marketplace on how the horticultural produce are being valued in terms of required quality, variety, quantity, price charged, and competition. On the second day of market research (Kilombero market) which included representatives of the five groups of farmers namely Uwezo maleckchand (karatu), Uwezo langagharer (karatu), Muungano (karatu), Tumaini (karatu) and Mingungani (Karatu). The groups were accompanied by agricultural experts to find information on the questionnaire prepared. On the second day of market research, the market information collecte were fo horticultural crops including tomatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, onions, watermelons, cucumbers and okra. Information collected The best varieties of particular crop are highly demanded in the market The relevant crop quality required by the market Quantities that can be purchased in the marketplace Prices of their respective crop Price planning criteria Benefits expected from this study Farmers know they have to focus on quality and quantity of their produce Farmers will gain an understanding of what time to produce to avoid mass production Farmers will know what kind of produce the market needs Farmers will now know which produce of particular seeds is highly demanded in the market. Farmers will be able to see the importance of adhering to the motto of "ANZIA SOKONI MALIZIA SHAMBANI KWA KIPATO ZAIDI" Objectives of the study To make farmers meet with traders Farmers to get direct information from buyers in the market Farmers understand by affirming why TANSHEP upholds the slogan "anzia sokoni malizia shambani kwa kipato zaidi" TANSHEP goals Helping farmers to change their mindset on horticulture farming from farming without knowing what the market needs to farming while knowing what market needs. TANSHEP makes effort to make farmers self-reliant without having to rely on different institutions or stakeholders to provide them with financial, fertilizer, seed and other agricultural inputs. This aims at building farmers' confidence on managing themselves from production stage up to the final stage of selling their products.