Livestock Traceability System (TANLITS)

Livestock Traceability System (TANLITS)

The Tanzania Livestock Identification and Traceability System (TANLITS) is a web-based system developed to operationalize the Livestock Identification, Registration and Traceability Act Chapter 184 of the laws of Tanzania and its Regulations for purposes of controlling animal diseases and livestock theft, enhancing food safety assurance; to regulate movement of livestock, improve livestock products and production of animal genetic resources; to promote access to market and to provide for other related matters.

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The system operates through registration of stakeholders; animal identification and registration of movements. Stakeholders are categorized into two main groups – establishments and persons. An establishment to be registered is any place or location where animals or products of animal origin are kept, handled, produced and processed or any service facility providing services e.g. farm premises. Establishments are further categorized into the following:

  • Services: Service facilities are for example offices (Local Government Authorities, Regional Offices etc.), border posts, internal inspection points, holding grounds, dip tanks (publicly owned) laboratories, Livestock Development Centers and others.
  • Premises: all livestock keeping/handling premises such as ranches, feedlots, dairy farms, livestock markets, slaughter facilities are registered individually
  • Villages: For the purpose of the Animal Identification and Traceability the term "Establishment" include "any undertaking which keeps animals in special confinements" such as villages. Livestock keepers outside Compulsory Identification Areas where animals are registered individually are registered on village level and animals are identified in groups (using a village brand). Individual village livestock keepers (that includes pastoralists) within such a village are registered initially and updated on a yearly basis in the course of a Village Livestock Owners and Herd Register.
  • Pastures: Pastures are transhumant areas which are not connected to a premises e.g Lubaga; Holili

The second main group of stakeholders is persons. The group is further distinguished between natural and legal persons

  • Natural Persons: Any individual person connected to an establishment (individual owner, keeper, operator etc.)
  • Legal Persons: Legal persons are legal entities such as companies which can also act as for example owner of an establishment.