Agricultural Sector Development Programme Aide Memoire

Agricultural Sector Development Programme Aide Memoire

A joint Government-Development Partner Team appraised the Government’s Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP) document which defines interventions to be supported through a development partner basket fund. The appraisal was undertaken from February 14 to March 1, 2006.

The Government appraisal team comprised of Janet Bitegeko (Team Leader, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Co-operatives [MAFC]), Dr. Turuka (Director of Marketing, Ministry of Industries, Trade and Marketing), George Sempheo (Agricultural Research, MAFC), Michael Otaru (Livestock Research, Ministry of Livestock Development), Engineer G. Kallinga (Irrigation, MAFC), Emmanuel Achayo (Policy/public expenditure, MAFC), Mr. Salum Mwinjaka (Monitoring and Evaluation, MLD), H. Gondwe and I. Mwenda (Local Government, Prime Ministers Office – Regional Admnistration and Local Government), Mr. D.S. Mwasha (Livestock Extension, Ministry of Livestock Development), Mr. Rwenyagira (Agricultural Extension, MAFC), Mr. Mbogela (Institutional Arrangements, MAFC), Mrs. Kasuam (Procurement, MAFC), Mr. Biswalo (Environment and Social Framework, MAFC), M. Ndimbo (Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water), and J. Kami (Land Use and Management, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development).

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